Wednesday, March 4, 2009

No one can deny that I am brilliant!

So without my 7:30 class I have most of Tuesday and Thursday open. To keep the kids and the daycare consistent, I have been dropping off the kids at nine everyday even though my fist class is at 10:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. With that time, I have decided to go to the gym on campus. Yesterday I continued to the gym, did about 30 min. of cardio, and then proceeded to lifting. I was limited on time by this point, so I decided to only work my arms.

When I got to yoga at 10:30, we were all told we were going to be doing a lot in Down Dog, Tripod, and a modified Side Plank. Needless to say, I didn't last very long with my arms. I was shaking, hurting, and downright exhausted! I guess I learned my lesson, and will now no longer lift before yoga. At least, not work my arms. I don't know what the effect will be if I stick to my legs. Maybe I will try that tomorrow:)