Monday, March 30, 2009

Okay, I've been tagged. Here it goes:

I was supposed to post the 6th folder and 6th picture and then tell about it and tag 6 people.

This is a picture of Shay taken in July at my mom's house with her new water slide. You know, one of those blow up ones. She really did not like the water! Mom thought it was because the water was cold, so she was nice and heated some water to put in. That didn't help a whole lot! We did finally convince her to play in the little pool at the bottom of the slide while Haden enjoyed running up and down! It was a fun day.

I tag Shannon, Emily, Amy, Katie M., Kim, and Chelcie

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Shay!

We had a lot of fun celebrating Shay's birthday yesterday! Both my parents and Clint's parents and my Grandma were able to come! It wasn't very exciting, but the kids had a lot of fun and the adults got in some good conversation time. Shay got her first bike this year. Last year she and Haden got into a lot of fights over who got to ride his bike, so this year they each have their own! Now if I could just get one then we could all ride together!

Haden also had a really great primary activity yesterday! It was all about super heroes and missionaries. They even had the missionaries there to help out with it! Haden was super excited when he got there, and he came home as Fast Boy!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Drat! Spring Break is Over. Hurray! Only Six More Weeks!

So today is the last day of spring break and it was wonderful! I hope you all had as good as a week. It did start out a little iffy though. Last Saturday I was a good girl and got my research paper rough draft done for tomorrow and even got my mom to proofread it for me! Double hurray! Sunday came and went with nothing unusual, and Monday came without much excitement either. I didn't do any homework like I should have, but that is now done. I also got a lot of reading in on Tuesday, but that night I got a call from Rudy's saying they needed me back! Hurray, more flowers! I have to tell you the house with the 1500 flats of pansies looks and smells great! We have even had a few orders for them already. But I am getting ahead of myself.

Wednesday morning Haden woke up early with an ear ache, so before I took him and Shay to school I made an appointment to have that looked at. I wasn't at work for twenty minutes when the daycare called and told me Haden had thrown up and I needed to come get him. I brought him home and he slept the rest of the day. I did wake him up every once in a while to have him drink something, but right up to the doctor's appointment he slept. I was actually worried he wouldn't sleep that night because he was feeling better by the end of the day. But he did. The doctor mentioned that he could have thrown up because of the ear pain, but I wasn't worried too much about that. So there is my first day back of the job!

Thursday went smoothly. Haden was feeling better and Shay never did get sick, so I got in a full day's work. It was great to be able to plant again. We did the same thing on Friday, but we made up the baskets. All of the bosses (yes, there are a lot) seemed pretty stressed out about how much we had to do, but it sure seemed like we were moving pretty fast. Thursday we got one (and a little bit more) house full of planted flats, and Friday we got about 1000 baskets planted. Of course last year I started in May, not when all of the planting was being done.

So there is my week! I clean the carpet in my front room yesterday and spent way too much money on some slip covers for my couches. And now it is today!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

No one can deny that I am brilliant!

So without my 7:30 class I have most of Tuesday and Thursday open. To keep the kids and the daycare consistent, I have been dropping off the kids at nine everyday even though my fist class is at 10:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. With that time, I have decided to go to the gym on campus. Yesterday I continued to the gym, did about 30 min. of cardio, and then proceeded to lifting. I was limited on time by this point, so I decided to only work my arms.

When I got to yoga at 10:30, we were all told we were going to be doing a lot in Down Dog, Tripod, and a modified Side Plank. Needless to say, I didn't last very long with my arms. I was shaking, hurting, and downright exhausted! I guess I learned my lesson, and will now no longer lift before yoga. At least, not work my arms. I don't know what the effect will be if I stick to my legs. Maybe I will try that tomorrow:)

Monday, March 2, 2009

New Determination

So I usually hit midterms and decide that I have worked hard enough for a little while. I then tend to hit a wall and have no desire to do anything school related. This semester I think I hit that a little early. The good this is that I have now decided that I will start my paper for my Senior Seminar today than wait until the last minute to get it done (the rough draft is due in three weeks). I guess we will see if that really happens or not.

Haden spent the weekend with my in-laws. I have to say it was a little weird. I took Haden to daycare on Friday morning and then didn't see him until about six last night. Needless to say, I missed my baby boy! Okay, he is five and not really a baby anymore, but that doesn't really matter, does it?

Anyway, Shay and I had a good time with girls' weekend (I sent Clint down with Haden for the weekend). First she was quite upset that she didn't get to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house. She even told me she didn't like me :( But then we made brownies, rented movies, and had McDonalds for dinner. I think she liked me then, but was still wondering when Haden would be coming home. Yesterday for church, Clint took Shay to a baby blessing (I was playing the piano for RS) and came back for sacrament. After the sacrament we went back to the home of the new baby (Clint's cousins baby) and had something to eat and socialize. We ended the night at my mom's for dinner where Haden and Clint's parents joined us. It was quite the weekend!

So I didn't know what to do with myself at church, I didn't have any super hero dinosaurs to protect me, and Lip Smackers found the way into my home this week. I guess that is quite enough for one post.