Friday, February 27, 2009


Deja vu! This is the title of my first post! Well then, here is goes. This will be my last midterm ever! Hurray for me! Of course, with this midterm it also means the end of my Irrigated Soils class. Yes, it is all about irrigation, yes, it is a bunch of math, and yes, it actually wasn't that hard. Which of course makes me very happy seeing as it was a seven-thirty class. I think the kids are a lot happier also. They can wake themselves up and they actually get something in their stomach before we leave. Don't panic though, they have been getting breakfast at school, now they just get two breakfasts. I really think it help with their attitude. Shay's personality really depends on how full her stomach is. If she is ornery, give her something to eat and she is usually great. But I am sure most kids are like that.

So midterms mean the beginning of the end! I can't believe the first half of the semester is already gone! I now have eight weeks until I can consider myself a college grad!

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