So I have now been named the Relief Society Enrichment Leader for our ward. Not a big deal, right? Not on a calm day, but my normal days consist of school, work, kids, house, and husband. Our ward is also getting back into doing Enrichment once a month. I tried to talk to the RS president about that, but I'm not so sure she understood my concerns. I guess I will have to push the issue of only four a year. Then again, I am not really planning on being here much longer than August. I really hope they don't mind that. They don't seem to. So here is my plea: I need ideas. I need help.
My other issue for the day is keys. Now Clint and I don't have any spare keys to the vehicles in the house. Mostly the van because it would cost us about $60 for a copy due to the microchip that is placed in the newer keys. Because of this, my keys were locked in the van this morning. Clint had left for work long before I realized this. So in order to get to my morning class on time, I grabbed the kids out of bed, got them ready and bundled, and ran to try to catch the bus. By this time I had already decided that I wasn't going to get the class on time, but we missed the bus. So in a frenzy, I called a friend and classmate of mine and asked that she would also be late for class and come and get us. She picked us up on the side of the road, took my kids to daycare, and carted me to school. All with only being ten minutes late for class! Way to go, Amber!!! Thank you so much! Not only that, but she then hauled me back to the daycare to pick up the kids at the end of the day and drove us home. She truly was a lifesaver this morning.
Fortunately the rest of the day went quite smoothly. It was a better day for all.
You can do recipe swaps where everyone brings a dish and a recipe to share. We do a different theme every month. It's fun and yummy! Do you guys do that already?
Not really. That would be great! Thank you. We could even call it a Tasters Table like they use to in the "olden" days. That would be fun for the older ladies (yes, I have to worry about 80 year old ladies as well).
I'm on the Enrichment committee too. Give me a call and I can give you plenty of ideas! Good luck. I'm glad we finally went to the four a year. So much easier for us.
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