Thursday, January 8, 2009

School? What School?

I must say, when my mom called and asked if I was ready for school about the Wednesday before, I was in shock that school started so soon! I guess I have been waiting for my last semester for so long that I didn't think it would ever come. Needless to say, I wasn't ready. But now, a week into classes, I might finally be ready! Yes, it did take that long. It isn't that I don't like taking classes and all of that, it's just that I don't enjoy waking up my children at six in the morning in order to get to a 7:30 lecture. At the first of the semester they actually like it a bit, but that doesn't even last until mid-terms! Who can blame them really?

Haden loves going to school! He especially likes his new class. He has been moved up to the fives classroom, and they seem to understand his energy quite a bit more. That is really helpful! Shay likes school, but she didn't start asking to go back two weeks prior like Haden did. I am really happy that he loves it so much. It makes my job so much easier. It will also make is easier for when he goes to kindergarten next year. Are my kids really that old!?! It doesn't seem possible.

Anyway, I hope all of those who are attending another semester get through everything just fine. Good luck to you all! At least I get to graduate this May!!!!!

1 comment:

The Hyer Family said...

Does Hayden go to school in September??? Lauren starts this Fall, and I didn't realize they were so close in age! I love reading about your cute family! Good luck with this last semester! May it fly by!