Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Promised Update

Okay so my update is not being done as soon as I would have liked, and I have not made as much progress on my place as I would like to brag about. Either way, I think my family and friends deserve a bit of information. Well, those don't already know and those that take the time to read. So let's start at the beginning (a very good place to start. Come one, you know you finished the phrase before I did)!

My amazing mother decided to throw me a birthday party. Well, it was a party for the kids that just happened to land on my birthday. Okay, it was a fantastic party!! With the kids in mind, the theme consisted of capes, competitions, and awesome music! Yes, super heroes do exist and they made themselves present in my home on August 10th of this year!

As the guests arrived they were stripped of their secret identities and presented with new uniforms made by super designer Kim and Nana. These capes allowed all super heroes to shed away all inhibitions about their true abilities. Food was consumed at remarkable speed, balls were kept in the air for large amounts of time, and furniture was taken apart and hauled away by the strongest of the strong!

I loved it! I had so much fun watching the kids play and spending the day with family and friends. Thank you, Mom, for planning a party for me that was truly for the kids. It makes it much more fun!!!

P.S. The picture at the beginning of the post is of Tan Girl and Bom (Kim and her now fiance Jared)

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