Being two blocks from the school, I walk Haden to and from kindergarten. I talked to him several time as to where to meet me, I showed him where to meet me, and I had him repeat where he was to meet me many times. So much to my surprise when I went to pick him up from his first day of school, he was gone! I found his teacher and inquired as to where he may be, she didn't know. I walked around the playground thinking he would be playing or hidding. He was gone. I talked to the secretary and she paged him. Still no Haden. In a panic, my mind began racing as to where he would be. I thought that because you can literally see our home from the school, he walked. So I went home to see if that was the case. Still no Haden.
Running back to the school they called the buses to see if by chance he got on a bus. No response. At this point I am wondering how in the world the teachers could have let him go missing!! He is a kindergartener on his first day! Aren't they suppose to keep them in view at all times?? Now please understand that my son is not the type that sits still and does what he is suppose to. He is an explorer and is not afraid of going off on his own. Do understand that I took this into consideration as my panic rose.
I told the school I would walk around the outside of the building one more time before giving them my number and checking at home once more. Thankfully, by the time I got done with my walk (or run) and got back into the office, a kind bus driver had found him. He got on a bus thinking it would bring him home. We had a very big talk about that! I then realized that everything he knows about transportation to and from school involves buses. He sees it on TV, he hears the kids talk about it, and I even took the bus daily the past two years while I was going to school. We then had a talk about WHO rides the bus and why. He hasn't gotten on since.
Incident Number Two: Clint leaves for school at about 7:15. I have been getting out of bed about 8:00-8:30. Usually the kids are awake, and Clint is kind enough to put on a movie for them. Sometimes I really am awake, other times not so much! I know, I deserve a Mother of the Year award. On one of these days that I decided to sleep a bit longer I got a phone call. I did not hear the phone call because my phone decided to be on vibrate. I'm sure I did it, I don't remember doing it, and I usually double check before going to bed to make sure it isn't on vibrate. But it was and I missed a VERY important call!
I roll over at 8:30 to see I have a message. It was Haden's school saying he was in the office waiting for me to come and get him because he wasn't suppose to be there until the afternoon. This of course is a fact. He attends afternoon kindergarten. He decided he didn't want to wait until after lunch anymore to go to school. So he got up, got dressed, some food, and went to school without me knowing. As you probably have guessed based on the beginning of the week, I was not happy with him. I blew up. I think I scared him spitless! Well, at least he hasn't tried anything since. I just hope he doesn't try anything out of the ordinary again. I don't think I could handle it!
So a rocky start to a good thing! But life goes on, we learn, and now I make sure I am up before Clint leaves, and at the school before he gets a chance to run off. C'est la vie!